Sunday 9 December 2018


Heart attack words are itself dangerous. Here are some points by using them you can react fast to stop a heart attack in 60 seconds.

What to do during the heart attack

What most people do when they suspect myocardial infarction is panic. Then, in just a few seconds they fall unconscious. Although you have just a couple of seconds to react, the right reaction can potentially save your life. Remember to call an ambulance first. After you’ve called professional help you need to start coughing forcefully. A cough strong and deep like you have congestion in your chest, extending the exhale. This breathing technique can save your life, so make sure you understand and remember it.

Use Cayenne Pepper

The cayenne pepper can stop heart attacks in a minute. Cayenne is the most well-known type of chili pepper. Always have some cayenne pepper at home. It can save a life by preventing a heart attack.


  • Powdered cayenne pepper
  • 2 fresh cayenne peppers
  • 50 percent alcohol (you may use vodka)
  • Gloves
  • A bottle


  1. Put on the gloves for your safety.
  2. Fill 1/4 of the bottle with powdered cayenne pepper. Pour enough alcohol so that it covers the cayenne powder.
  3. Mix the peppers in a blender with enough alcohol so that you get a denser consistency. Pour this mixture into the bottle so that ¾ of it is filled.
  4. Fill the bottle to its top with 50% alcohol and close it. Shake is a couple of times during the day.
  5. Let the tincture stay in a dry and dark place for 15 days and then strain it. Keep the final tincture in a darker bottle.
Keep it in a dark and dry place. It will never get spoiled.


Give about 7 drops of this tincture to a conscious patient who had a stroke or a heart attack. Give the patient another 7 drops after five minutes. Repeat this process until the condition of the patient improves. If the patient is not conscious, place 2 drops of this tincture under the tongue, and start doing CPR. Repeat this process every five minutes until the condition of the patient improves.


The above instructions / natural remedy will be part of first aid for the patient till the arrival of the ambulance or some specialist doctor.


1 comment:

  1. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
