Sunday 9 December 2018

Simple Home Remedies to Lose Weight

Weight loss is a common concern these days. The statistics around the world are quite alarming. Over 60% of the world’s population is obese and that number is growing by the number. With a growth in the number of fast food chains and bad eating patterns, most men and women choose convenience and accessibility over health. These bad eating habits have contributed to the overall detriment of the men and women who are overweight. One of the major advantages of homemade meals is that proportions are regulated and the amount of oil and fat is kept to a minimum. It is proven that you can lose the required weight when you eat in smaller portions and avoid unprocessed foods. You can do the same things in much simpler ways. All you will need is healthy changes in your lifestyle.

1. Green Tea Extract:

Green tea contains anti-oxidants that help in detoxifying your system and freeing it from harmful toxins that could take permanent residence in your immune system. It will also help you to lose all the extra weight that you want to get rid of.

2. Drink a lot of Water:

By drinking a lot of water, you can be assured of losing the extra pounds almost immediately. Water helps in detoxifying the system and flushing out all the harmful toxins that may accumulate over time. It is recommended that you consume close to 4 to 5 liters of water a day.

3. Tomatoes:

Consume at least one or two tomatoes every morning, preferably on an empty stomach, you must only consume these tomatoes instead of having a more wholesome breakfast. In order to see better results, you should continue with this routine for quite a few months.

4. The Ginger Lemon Combination:

If you do not like the sound of having to consume tomatoes in the morning you could always opt to combine both ginger and lemon to a glass of boiling warm water. You will need to the strain the water and consume both ingredients together. It helps in suppressing your appetite,  preventing you from eating a lot of food.

5. Avoid fried food:

If you are eating fried food or fast food, your chances of putting weight are huge. So, every time you feel hungry mid-evening or mid-afternoon have some soup.

6. Avoid fast food:

When you eat more food with loads of sugar and fat content, it makes you irritable and even sluggish. You have to avoid fast food. East simple food as it is good for health.

7. Parsley:

Parsley possesses anti-oxidants which include RDA of vitamin C and of vitamin A luteolin, a flavonoid that eliminates free radicals in the body. You can use it as a food flavor or in the form of juice.

8. Carrot Juice:

Use carrot juice with water to lose all the additional weight that you may be carrying. It also helps detoxify the system.

9. The Triple Threat:

Make a concoction adding three teaspoons of lime juice, a quarter teaspoon of black pepper in addition to a teaspoon of honey. These ingredients are to be added to a glass of warm water and then consumed early in the morning. Use this mixture at least once a day for close to 2-3 months, you will be well on your way to shedding the pounds in no time.

10. Soak and Shed:

Take a good amount of jujube, commonly referred to as the Indian plum leaves and soak them in water in a glass throughout the night. Strain the water early in the morning, and consume them on an empty stomach. Use this plan for 2-3 months for better results.

11. The Benefits of Cabbage:

Cabbage contains tartaric acid that helps us in preventing sugar and carbohydrates from getting converted into fat which can cause all sorts of weight problems.

12. Peach:

Peach contains only close to 68 calories and has no additional fat, You can eat it as a substitute for other sugar-rich food that may cause you to put on weight.

13. The Cucumber Remedy:

Cucumbers consist of around 90 percent of water and only about 13.25 calories, thereby making it an effective remedy to not only help you reduce weight but also in breaking fat cells other unnecessary body fluids. It also contains antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E that help in removing harmful toxins from the body.

14. The Benefit of Having a Fruit Smoothie:

By having a fruit smoothie daily, you will receive an infusion of vitamins, fiber, protein, minerals, and fatty acids on a daily basis. It also helps in the suppression of appetite as it is wholesome. All you need to do is pick the right fruits and mix them in a blender. You could add a little sugar for sweetness but avoid it if you can.

15. Cranberry Juice:

Berries contain antioxidants and have an abundance of Vitamin C which is considered effective in helping individuals lose weight. For easy use, you can make a cranberry juice at home and add lemon or vinegar which helps in burning fats and also will rid your system of harmful toxins.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Organic apple cider vinegar is one of the best homemade remedies for the removal of excess fat from the body. All you would be required to do in order to test out this remedy is to take 3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and add around 7 ounces of water to it. Stir it and use the mixture at least thrice a day.

17. Maple Syrup:

Mix maple syrup in a glass of warm water and drink this mixture early in the morning as soon as you wake up from sleep.

18. Boiled Apple:

The study tells us that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” as it provides a lot of fiber content, iron, and other vital minerals. Having a boiled apple a day will help you to remove all harmful fats from your body.

19. Don’t Skip Breakfast:

The most important don’t skip breakfast. You can eat breakfast in the early morning to keep the body active.

20. Dandelion Tea:

Dandelion tea will help your body to shed all the extra water that it might have stored.

21. Cayenne Pepper With Ginger:

Crush the ginger and cayenne pepper at the same time and eat it with salad or with some food. It will help you to shed extra body fat.

22. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil increase metabolism and help you to reduce weight. It possesses medium-chain triglycerides which help in the breakdown of fat in the body.

23. Fiber:

Fiber is considered one the most effective natural diet for weight loss as it helps suppresses the appetite. It has been proven that when obese people take a fiber diet supplement, their food intake decreases.

24. Chia:

Chia is also a popular diet that helps in weight loss.

25. Say Goodbye to Red Meat:

Red meat lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss a difficult procedure. So, use white meat i.e chicken & fish.

A great tip to lose weight is to stay active. This will definitely burn quite a number of calories and make your weight loss effects. If you spend five minutes a day just running up and down the stairs, you will see great results. You may also start walking, swimming or may join a gym for some physical activities.


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