Saturday 8 December 2018


One of the most common diseases to make your bathroom times nightmarish is the medical condition we all are familiar with. Piles; in the behind of our bodies, targeting the rectum area is the mild inflammation we all got. This is the normal inflammation which when gets a little-inflamed might causes hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are a rather annoying and painful disease, as it develops in an area where it is not comfortable to have some drawback, as is the anus. Hemorrhoids occur when the veins and vessels around the anus swell to such a critical point that the pain it causes in this area is unbearable and uncomfortable enough to affect the person in many areas.
Hemorrhoids can be considered as one of the most tedious problems that can be faced by the human being. For this problem, there are methods and techniques to cure, but in this article, we are going to tell you the most effective of all, with this recipe you can heal your hemorrhoids quickly and easy, so you will feel better in just 20 minutes.
In this article, we will tell you about some simple home remedies that are helpful to get rid of the disease.



  • 250 ml of wheat germ oil
  • 10 grams of chamomile powder
  • The petals of 2 roses
  • 20 grams of honey
  • 20 grams of lanolin

Preparation and Usage;

Put all the ingredients in a pot and bring it to boil for twenty minutes, then remove from the heat and let it cool. When the mixture is cold, strain it through a colander or a gauze, and add the honey and lanolin. Finally, refrigerate until it hardens. Use this mixture when it is ready for application to the sore area, and after a few minutes, you will feel relief. Apply this treatment every day until you heal the inflamed area.


This recipe originates from Russia. It can help you get rid of Hemorrhoids, but if you have a serious problem then you should consult your doctor before using it.


  • Potato – 1 large

Preparation & Usage

You should select a good quality potato and wash it properly. Don’t select a potato that is becoming green. Peel potato, cut a thin stick, and place it in a freezer. Insert that frozen potato inside the anus and keep there for at least 30 seconds. Repeat this process for at least 4 days regularly. When you start getting comfortable, increase timing from 30 to 60 seconds per interval.


Clean your sitz bathtub thoroughly, with clean water. Attach it to the rim of your toilet bowl. Fill the basin with a few inches (about 3 or 4 inches) of warm water. It is not a case of the hotter the better. Warm (to slightly hot) is usually best. So when you have a supply of fresh warm water, it is pumped from the water bag through the tube and into the basin, allowing for a fresh supply of clean warm water throughout the duration of your sitting. There will be a clamp on the tubing. Make sure it is clamped before filling the water bag with warm water. Make sure the tubing is inserted into the basin properly. Ease yourself onto the seat and take the clamp off the tubing, allowing the water to flow. Soak for 20 minutes, or as instructed. When you need a top up with fresh warm water, refill the water bag. When finished, arise slowly without slipping or keeling over. Watch out for dizziness. Combine some pat drying and air drying, and try to maintain good ventilation at all times, as much as is socially acceptable. Empty the water out, and give the basin a proper clean. You can repeat these steps 3 or 4 times a day.
A good way to ensure proper hygiene in the anal area as well as to kill the bacteria and relieve the swelling and inflammation is to take a warm water bath or a sitz bath daily till the problem subsides.
This can also be named sitz bath which literally ends up in the patient soaking the affected lump area in lukewarm water. Be careful not to use too warm water since it may cause scalding of the now sensitive region. The soaking in the lukewarm water dilates the otherwise swollen vessels curing the inflammation.


Avoid sitting for long duration

You should avoid sitting for long duration because it may cause your problem. Start doing light exercises i.e. slow walking, and standing up for a longer duration. These exercises will help in your situation, and increase your chances of getting healthy again.

Consume homemade fresh drinks

If you start to see symptoms then increase in fluid intake will help in your situation. Consume natural drinks i.e. Lemon and cucumber water, prune juice, and similar drinks. You should avoid consuming artificial drinks and junk food.

Exercise More Often

Exercise will encourage circulation, increase metabolism strength, and help digest food. It can also stimulate red function, and reduce constipation and diarrhea. Light physical exercise will not only help with Hemorrhoids but also will maintain a healthy routine.

Eat food that is rich in fiber

A diet that is rich in fiber will help you in digestion and strengthen the immune system. You can checkmark dried fruits, whole grain, and legumes in your diet. You should also add veggies to your diet, and avoid hot and spicy food. Stay away from junk food because it can fill your liver with toxic. Avoid laxatives because it may cause diarrhea and irritation.
There are two types of Hemorrhoids, one is internal and the second is external. Treatment of external can be done with the help of therapy, but internal Hemorrhoids may cause complications. It may cause bleeding, pain, and irritation during bowel. It is recommended to consult a doctor if you are suffering from hemorrhoids.


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