Sunday, 13 January 2019

Ten Signs You Have Met "The One”

Ten Signs You Have Met "The One”. Meeting “the one” does not always look like a romantic comedy or drama. You meet someone on road by hitting a car and you’re soon to be pushed by your lover out of the way. You probably have never chased after your partner in the pouring rain to stop them from leaving you. And most likely, no one has ever stood outside your window with a boom box, singing at the top of his or her lungs. Probably because no one even has a boom box anymore. In this article, I share Ten Signs You Have Met "The One” which is very effective in your relationship.
Love doesn’t mirror the movies. Love is unique and personal. And it’s more than okay to have your own love story. Maybe it didn’t take you a big life event to realize you were with “the one.” Maybe you knew from the beginning because you’ve never been treated with such kindness and respect. Maybe it was those mornings “I love you” texts that made you realize you had something special. Or maybe it was those butterflies that flew into your heart and never went away.
Knowing that you’re a great person is one thing. But knowing you’ve met “the one,” the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, is on another level. Here are the signs you’ve hit that level. the following are the Ten Signs You Have Met "The One”
Ten Signs You Have Met "The One”

1. You can be your real self with him/her

Out of Ten Signs, You Have Met "The One”  one is that with your love, you can show all the sides of you. The good, the bad and the "I’m hungover and haven’t showered in 3 days" ugly. It’s easy to be you with your person. You don’t feel like you have to hide your silly side or quiet your personality down because your partner loves those special qualities about you. Nobody is perfect. You know you’ve met “the one” when he or she knows this and loves you for your imperfections.

2. Similar life goals

The second one out of Ten Signs You Have Met "The One” is you know you’ve met your better half when you want to walk similar paths in this thing we call life. Maybe both of you have different fantasies of where you want to travel, or what kind of dog you’ll want to have. But when it comes down to the major things, like deciding whether you want to get married and or have children, you two are holding the same deck of cards. And you both are holding the winning hand.

3. You can work through things in a healthy way

It doesn’t matter that you and your mate fight, it’s how you fight that makes all the difference. You know you’ve met your match when working on an argument doesn’t feel like putting a Rubik’s Cube back together. You two can get through anything together and be knowing that makes you feel safe and secure. it is the third one sign out of Ten Signs You Have Met "The One”

4. You feel like the luckiest person in the world

When you both feel like the luckiest person in the world to have found one other, you’re on the right path. The strongest and happiest of couples feel excited about their partner. They see his or her great qualities and uniqueness and feel incredibly grateful. Your Instagram feed is probably filled with a lot of this blessed

5. You both are committed to the relationship

It is the fifth sign of Ten Signs You Have Met "The One” a companion you want for life is a person who is committed to you and the relationship. So if you have found a man or woman that is willing to always put in the effort to have a happy and healthy relationship, you have probably found “the one” for you.

6. Anywhere is exciting for you two

You don’t have to be at Disneyland or at the best local bar in town to be having the time of your life with your significant other. Excitement can happen in your own living room with each other. Some of the best dates you two have had together were those nights you both stayed up late, finishing that whole bottle of wine and just talking. Ten Signs You Have Met "The One”

7. Your friends and family see how happy you are

Sadly, everyone isn’t lucky enough to have supportive family and friends when it comes to relationships. But putting all that aside, you know you’re entirely happy when the closest people around you can see you beaming from a mile away. Your family and friends couldn’t be happier for you, and some of them are probably a little envious of the love you have found.

8. You’re madly in love, but there’s more than that

Even though you both are madly in love — love isn’t just what this relationship has to offer you. You feel supported by your partner, you feel secure, you feel respected, you feel fulfilled. Love alone doesn’t carry a relationship. You need more than that, and luckily, you’ve found it.

9. You know deep down inside

You’ve figured out that you’ve met “the one” because you feel it in your heart. But, you also feel it in your gut as well. We have our intuitions for a reason, and your intuition is telling you you’ve made the right choice.

10. He or she makes you want to be better

A good partner is one that accepts you for who you are. A great partner, on the other hand, accepts you and loves you for who you are, but also pushes you to be your best. You know you’ve met the ultimate better half when they make you want to be better. Ten Signs You Have Met "The One”



Among the lot of good little things life has to offer, hugs may be among the sweetest and lot of special. Hugs have a way of alleviating pain, making us feel warm and giddy all over. Being hugged typically reminds us that we are not alone and that we will always have a shoulder to cry on. It is believed that the way a person hug says a lot about what they feel and what message they are trying to relay?
Here are the ten types of hugs and what each one means.


It symbolizes a deep and strong connection that supposedly shows the love you and your partner have for one another.


A tight hug that makes people not want to leave conveys a message of genuine love.


The hug is done during parties while dancing or sometimes even when alone with someone. It conveys a message of a close connection between the two of you.


It means you are thankful but not enough to be comfortable. It is not intimate. It conveys a message close to “Thank you but this is pretty awkward.”


This type of hug portrays lust and passion. It is believed to be the intense due to the extreme emotions it entails.


This type of hug is typically shared by parents and their children. It shows reassurance as if telling someone that things will get better and you are not alone.


This hug is typically friendly and does not carry the implication of romance.


It carries a message of comfort. This is a sign of how comfortable someone is when they are with you.


Patting, unlike rubbing, is a different type of hug. It usually says something like “Congratulations” or “Great Work.”


It conveys protection. It usually portrays a bond between friends. Know that when someone hugs you like this, they are trying to make you feel safe.


One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You – These are the 6 Signs

One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You It has been reported that your body will give warnings signs of a heart attack up to six months before it occurs. Have you experienced any of these symptoms? If so, you may need to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death. It can cause a variety of ailments that affect your heart. Some of these conditions include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, and congenital heart defects. You can improve your heart health by improving your diet, exercising, taking iron supplements, and increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake through food sources or supplements. Meanwhile, watch for the following warning symptoms that your body may be prone to a heart attack.

Signs of a Heart Attack

A heart attack can occur when the flow of blood and oxygen to a section of the heart becomes blocked. The heart muscle begins to die from the lack of oxygen. If the blood flow isn’t quickly restored, that area of the heart can die. If medical intervention does not immediately occur, the entire heart can die, leading, of course, to death.

Here are six warning signs to watch for if you are concerned about the possibility of having a heart attack.

1. Extreme fatigue

One early sign of a heart attack is extreme fatigue. Of course, fatigue is a normal feeling after engaging in physical activities or experiencing a long day. However, if you are constantly feeling fatigued and tired, you may need to schedule a check-up with your doctor to monitor the health of your heart. It is not natural to get enough sleep, eat well, and not exhaust yourself physically, but still feel exhausted.

2. Sleep disturbances

Another warning sign of a heart attack is a disturbance in your sleep habits. Your subconscious mind may be telling you that something is wrong. You may wake frequently, need to use the bathroom frequently during the night, or experience extreme thirst during the night. If you do not have a logical explanation for these sleep disturbances, see your doctor.

3. Shortness of breath

Experiencing shortness of breath can be a key warning sign that you are having heart issues. When your heart does not get enough oxygen, you can feel short of breath.

4. Indigestion

Another early warning sign of a heart attack is indigestion. It is not normal to always have a growling stomach. However, certain spicy and irritating foods can normally cause indigestion.

5. Increased anxiety

See your physician if you experienced increased levels of anxiety that do not have a ready explanation.

6. Weak or heavy arms

When your heart does not receive sufficient oxygen to function, it can send impulses to your spine. When this happens, the nerves that are interconnected between your heart, spine, and arms send impulses that cause pain in your arms. If you experience numbness in your arm, you may be having a heart attack.   Keeping watch for these early warning signs of a heart attack could save your life. Share this information with your loved ones to protect their heart, too!

We Should know these 7 things about blood types.

We Should know these 7 things about blood types. Humans have four blood type categories, there are four principal types: A which is for Agrarian, B for Bavarian, O for the Original hunter, and AB is the most modern blood type and has the best immune system. Still there exists another 400 subcategories for blood types, these all determine an individual’s health profile, it is also important to note that these aspects will refine ones directional compass.

Blood type and fat:

  • Blood type A: Will accumulate fat from meats and sugars.
  • Blood type B: Is ill-affected by fried foods and bread.
  • Blood type O: Gains fat from eating irregularly.
  • Blood type AB: Gains fat from inactivity.

Blood type and stress:

  • Blood type A: Highly susceptible to high cortisol and takes longer to recover from stress. Drinking water helps to calm down.
  • Blood type B: Mostly calm, but reaches the limit and has an extreme swing to high levels of cortisol. Breathing helps to return to harmony.
  • Blood type O: Susceptible to an outburst of anger, because of their primordial ancestry. Visualizing something peaceful helps to restore peace.
  • Blood type AB Handles stress very well, can become frustrated at the worst. Activity like walking helps release built-up tension.

Foods that benefit your blood type:

  • Blood type A: Vegetarian based diet with fish, chicken, and yogurt. Avoid legumes, spicy foods, dehydration, and coffee.
  • Blood type B: Dairy, mutton, fish, vegetables, tea and grains suit this blood type best. Avoid alcohol, preservatives, and excessive noise.
  • Blood type O: Meat, fish, vegetables, and fasting. Avoid dairy, processed foods, and over-eating.
  • Blood type AB: This is considered the modern blood type, therefore they can digest anything efficiently. It is recommended to eat organic, fresh live foods, as eating fried (etc) foods take away from your energy.

Blood type and personality:

  • Blood type A: compassionate, organized, efficient, leaders
  • Blood type B: meditative, flexible, friendly, action-oriented
  • Blood type O: practical, assertive, attentive, empathetic
  • Blood type AB: rational, calm, strong, forward thinking

Blood types and transfusions:

Blood type compatibilities

  • AB is the universal blood type receiver, but can only donate to AB.
  • A can receive blood type from A or O and can donate to A or AB.
  • B can receive blood type from B or O and can donate to B or AB.
  • O can only receive from blood type O and is the universal blood type donor.
  • Individuals with type O RH D negative blood type are often called universal donors, and those with type AB RH D positive are called universal recipients.

Plasma compatibility

  • AB can only receive plasma from AB and is the universal plasma donor to any blood group.
  • A can receive from A and AB, but can only donate to A and O.
  • B can receive from B and AB, but can only donate to B and O.
  • O  is the universal plasma receiver, but can only donate plasma to O.
  • Type O plasma containing both anti-A and anti-B antibodies can only be given to O recipients. Conversely, AB plasma can be given to patients of any ABO blood group, due to not containing any anti-A or anti-B antibodies.

Blood type and Mate:

  • RH Factor is the second most important blood group system, after ABO consist of 50 defined blood-group antigens, of which D, C, c, E, e are the five most important. A.K.A. RH Factor, RH Positive, RH Negative which refers to the D antigen only.
  • RH positive has the D antigen and RH negative does not have the D antigen.

In pregnancy, the RH factor can cause complications such as:

  • Hemolytic Disease- the breakdown of red blood cells
  • Erythroblastosis Fetalis- producing immature red blood cells, in the fetus
This occurs when the fetus or the fathers’ blood type is incompatible with that of the mothers (i.e.. typically the mother being RH-negative and the father RH-positive).
The mother is to receive an injection called RhoGam or Rho (D) which is a sterile solution (made from human blood plasma) at 28 weeks of gestation and within 72 hours after birth to avoid the development of antibodies from the mother towards the fetus (an allergic reaction could be possible). The injection works like a vaccine, it contains RH-positive blood, the mothers’ body then detects these antibodies and reacts as though the immune system had already taken action against the “foreign” Rh-positive red blood cells. We Should know these 7 things about blood types.


15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best & popular vinegar which offers the number of health benefits. Although, it is a common ingredient in cooking and also one of the ancient remedies to solve all sorts of problems. In this article, I told about 15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Its long lists of benefits include popular measures such as weight loss and blood sugar level control. Due to increased awareness of its beneficial effects, the use of apple cider vinegar has increased around the globe.
It is a natural tonic and you can also take advantage of this healthy drink with regular use.
Remember, too much of anything is bad. It holds good for Apple cider vinegar too. Excess consumption can Affect the enamel of your teeth, cause nausea and can interfere with certain diabetic and diuretic drugs. If not careful then it can cause throat burn in children.
If you limit its intake to less than 25-30 ml which are about 2 tablespoons then you will be able to reap the benefits. Start with low doses diluted in water never exceeding daily consumption above 2 tablespoons.
Apple cider vinegar benefits your entire body in different ways. Let's begin to see it's a positive impact from top to bottom on your body. 15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar are followed as under.

1. Gets Rid of Dandruff

Out of 15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar is get rid of dandruff. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent dandruff remover. It changes the pH of the scalp due to its acidic nature. The yeast that causes dandruff cannot survive in the acidic environment.
Dilute equal amount of apple cider vinegar with water in a bowl. Mix it well and fill it in a spray bottle. You can now use this spray twice a week on your scalp.
Spray the diluted apple cider vinegar on your scalp by parties hair in sections. The objective is to apply on the scalp not on the hair, though, hair will also get a dose of it. That is ok. Wrap your head with a towel and wash your hair after 30 minutes.

2. Clears Acne

Apple cider vinegar is hundred percent natural and cost-effective way to treat your skin as daily beauty routine.
It is an excellent toner. It changes the pH of the skin killing bacteria to work as a natural remedy for acne. The malic acid makes it potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral.
It reduces red spots, fights pimples and reduces blemishes to makes your face acne free if used regularly. You can use it daily as a toner. Make sure that it is diluted enough for your sensitive facial skin. One part if Apple cider vinegar diluted in four parts of water is generally good, but each skin is different so find your dilution ratio by a hit and try.
Try first with more water in it, then reduce the water the next day and see if it suits. Don't reduce water below for times apple cider vinegar. it is the best benefit out 15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

3. Clears Stuffy Nose

The nutrients like Vitamin B1, B2, And E, calcium, potassium, and magnesium are powerful weapons to fight sinus infections. Potassium, in particular, is helpful in clearing the stuffy nose.
The high pH value ACP, when consumed orally, breaks up the mucus and clears the airways. The natural antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial capabilities kill bacteria and don't allow the infection to spread.
Add one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and mix it well. Gargle with this diluted ACV.

4. Stops Bad Breath

Apple cider vinegar is a very good mouthwash. You can control bad breath caused by the bacteria in the mouth.
Dilute apple cider vinegar in the ratio of 1 ACP to 4 water and mix it well. Gargle thoroughly to clean the mouth of bacteria.

5. Whitens Teeth

While you gargle with diluted Apple cider vinegar for clearing sinus infection or removing bad breath, you are also simultaneously whitening your teeth.
The acidic nature of ACP removes the stains on the enamel of the teeth making them look white.
You need to extra careful as the excess use can remove the enamel making them vulnerable.

6. Soothes a Sore Throat

Bacterial infections not only make your nose stuffy but makes your throat sore also. Sometimes you may get a runny nose and throat infection both other times it can be either one.
A sore throat with it without stuffy nose can be easily treated with Apple cider vinegar. It is one of the fastest acting remedies for a sore throat.
Dilute 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in a warm cup of water. Mix it well and gargle. Do it 6-8 times a day and you will get relief from a sore throat within a couple of days.

7. Cures Hiccups

Apple cider vinegar can instantly stop hiccups. It appears that ACV is the best home remedy for hiccups.
Drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Your throat may get burning feeling but your hiccups will stop. If you have never consumed apple cider vinegar then dilute it with an equal quantity of water and sip it.

8. Prevents Cancer

Some studies have shown positive outcome rejecting Apple cider vinegar and other kinds of vinegar have the capability to fight cancer cells. There is no large-scale study has yet confirmed these initial isolated studies.
Cancer is a dreadful condition and anything that can help to save you from cancer is welcome news.
Since apple cider vinegar improves digestion and offers a range of other health benefits, it is worthwhile consuming it on a daily basis. It may also help you in fighting cancer.

9. Lowers Cholesterol

A strong link has been established between the consumption of apple cider vinegar and lowering of cholesterol in many studies done around the world on rats.
The acetic acid in ACV reduces specific LDL component ‘triglycerides’ from the cholesterol numbers.
Lowering of triglycerides reduced plaque formation in the arteries, thereby reducing heart diseases. This is amazing benefit out of 15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

10. Cures Stomach Upsets

If your stomach is upset. Bacteria has created that havoc of diarrhea or simply getting stomach cramps, apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for all your tummy troubles.
Pectin in apple cider vinegar helps to reduce the intestinal spasm.
Mix a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water and drink to help your stomach upset.

11. Prevents Indigestion

If you are expecting a big feast or a heavy dinner followed by Indigestion, then you must get ready for the challenge in advance.
Add one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey to a glass of warm water. Mix it well and drink it 30 minutes before the big feast.

12. Controls Blood Sugar

Many studies have found consuming apple cider vinegar controls Blood Sugar and insulin levels and cures diabetes.
If you drink one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar mixed with one tablespoon of water before eating carbohydrates, then your blood sugar levels do not rise as much as they would have otherwise risen.
If you drink the same amount of apple cider vinegar with water before going to bed then your fasting sugar reduces.
So drink two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water before going to bed daily and get rid of diabetes.
If you are taking blood sugar lowering medicine then consume apple cider vinegar under medical supervision to ensure that you don't get into low blood sugar category. This will also help in gradually reducing your diabetes medicine to finally give it up. Use these 15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar in your routine diet.

13. Reduce Weight

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best remedies for weight loss.
The acetic acid which reduces triglycerides lowers blood sugar and controls insulin levels also helps you to reduce weight by suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism. It also reduces water retention.
The combined effect is weight reduction. It improves satiation, so feel full with lower consumption of calories.
Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a warm glass of water daily before going to the bed or better before taking dinner.
In addition to consuming apple cider vinegar daily, you must also follow other weight reduction techniques for eating certain foods and regular exercise for best results. Amazingly effect of this benefit out of 15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

14. Boosts Energy

If you are feeling fatigue apple cider vinegar will energize you.
Amino acids in ACV, potassium, and enzymes do the job.
Add a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in a carrot juice or any other vegetable juice and drink it to boost your energy levels.

15. Cuts Down Night Time Leg Cramps

Lower potassium levels in the body are responsible for leg cramps. Drink a mixture of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of honey in the night.
I hope you will never forget these 15 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. Overall, you can know that apple cider vinegar is a huge potent health drink. Make it a habit of drinking 2 tablespoons of diluted Apple cider vinegar in the equal amount of water daily preferably before going to bed to become and stay healthy.



Many people to their best efforts to lose excess of weight, because the process of losing them can often be a meticulous experience. It also requires a great deal of sacrifice, effort, and complete devotion
But there is no need to panic. We are offering you a completely natural solution to get rid of the excess of pounds. You will no longer need strict diets, pills, or surgeries.
With this homemade solution, you will be able to get a Hollywood look. You will only need water, lemon, and honey.
Its preparation couldn’t be simpler. It will detoxify your body and it will provide you with the necessary nutrients. Just take this drink on an empty stomach, 45 minutes before breakfast. Do the same thing for 2 weeks, and melt up to 18 pounds.
Day 1 – Take one lemon, squeeze it, and add the lemon juice to one cup of distilled water. Drink.
Day 2 – Make a combination of two cups of pure water with lemon juice, squeezed from two lemons. Now add ¼ teaspoon of raw honey. Make sure that the honey is purely organic. Drink.
Day 3 – Squeeze three lemons and use the lemon juice to combine it with three cups of pure water. Add ¼ teaspoon of organic honey to the mixture and drink it.
Day 4 – Squeeze 4 lemons and take the lemon juice to mix it with 4 cups of distilled water. Now, add ¼ teaspoon of honey and drink it.
Day 5 – Mix five cups of distilled water with lemon juice squeezed from 5 lemons. As so far, add ¼ teaspoon of organic honey. Drink.
Day 6 – Make a mixture of lemon juice, squeezed from 6 lemons and 6 cups of pure water. Again, add ¼ of honey. The liquid s ready to drink.
Day 7 – On the seventh day, this refreshing drink should be consumed during the entire day, not just in the morning on an empty stomach. Combine a lemon juice (out of 3 lemons) with 10 cups of distilled water. Don’t forget to add a tablespoon of honey.
Day 8 – Make a juice out of 6 lemons and add it to 6 cups of distilled water. Add half a teaspoon of honey.
Day 9 – In 5 cups of distilled water, add a lemon juice out of 5 lemons. Next, add a teaspoon of honey.
Day 10 – In four cups of pure water, add a lemon juice (out of 4 lemons). Add half a teaspoon of honey to the mixture.
Day 11 – Mix the juice from 3 lemons with 3 cups of pure water. Add a teaspoon of honey.
Day 12 – Squeeze 2 lemons and use their juice to combine it with 2 cups of pure water. Add half a teaspoon of honey.
Day 13 – In a cup of pure water, add a lemon juice (out of 1 lemon). Add half a teaspoon of honey to it.
Day 14 – On the last day of this diet plan, add lemon juice (out of 3 lemons) to 3 cups of pure water. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Consume the mixture during the entire day.

How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism

How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism!

Today we talk about how to lose weight with hypothyroidism because thyroid issues aren’t at all uncommon.  It’s a problem that we have helped many of our clients overcome when it comes to dieting and weight loss.
In fact, women, especially those over the age of 60 are likely to have problems with the gland that can lead to weight gain, joint pain, and heart disease.
Hypothyroidism, a condition where your thyroid is underactive and not producing enough of the important hormones your body needs, cannot only contribute to obesity but can also make it tricky to lose weight.
While it might be difficult, shedding a few pounds can help improve the symptoms of the disease, and the lifestyle changes can make contributions to increase your thyroid function without medication.
There are lots of ways to lose weight.  Here we’ll give you tips from scientific experts based on research, studies, and decades of experience to help you drop pounds with hypothyroidism.

What is Hypothyroidism?

Put very simply; hypothyroidism is a condition that causes your thyroid gland to be under-active.
According to the ATS, it doesn’t produce enough of the hormone to keep your body running at a reasonable rate.
the condition is caused by an autoimmune disease, having your thyroid surgically removed, or radiation treatment to the area.  It can also be caused by an iodine deficiency, but this isn’t typically a problem in the U.S. as we add iodine to our table salt.
Having a thyroid issue isn’t uncommon.
While the exact cause of the disease is unknown, pregnancy can be a contributing factor, and 18 percent of women will have issues with their thyroid post-partum.
What are the Signs and Symptoms?
Because the hormones regulate so many major functions of the body, signs of the disease may be mild and far-reaching.
If you have hypothyroidism, you will likely experience one or more of the following:
  • Fatigue or sleepiness
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of memory
  • Weight gain
  • Depression and irritability
  • Muscle cramping and aching
  • Muscle weakness
  • Decreased perspiration
  • Blood pressure changes
  • High cholesterol
  • Leg swelling
  • Blurred vision
  • Intolerance to cold temperatures
  • Hoarse voice
  • Heavy menses
  • Dry hair and skin
  • Hair loss
  • Constipation
If you have the symptoms of hypothyroidism, the first step is to visit your doctor.  They can run a series of tests to check your  TSH levels, which will indicate if you have too little of the hormone in your system.
From there, you’ll have several treatment options to help manage the condition.
In many cases, treating the disease will inherently help you lose weight but it’s important to also make lifestyle changes for the biggest impact.
How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism
There are several factors that contribute to weight gain when you have hypothyroidism.
Here we’ll examine the top five, and give you suggestions that you can take to your doctor or incorporate into your daily life to see weight loss success.

TSH Levels

The first test your doctor should run if you believe you have a thyroid issue is one to see your TSH levels.
if it comes back that your levels are high, your doctor will diagnose you with hypothyroidism and likely prescribe a medication to treat the condition.
However, according to the health experts, there’s some wiggle room in the range that you should be trying to attain with treatment.
While the gold standard is that a level above 5.0 is considered to be possible hypothyroidism, some experts, feel that range is too broad and should be narrowed to 0.3 to 3.0.
If you’re being treated for the disease, and you’re having difficulty losing weight, ask your doctor to tell you your exact TSH level. 
If you’re at the higher end of the range, it’s possible that you need to attain a lower TSH level to see the best results.

T3 Levels

The normal therapy to treat hypothyroidism is levothyroxine, a synthetic form of the deficient T4 hormone.
If you’re struggling to lose weight, talk with your doctor about adding in a synthetic T3 drug like liothyronine or combination treatments that have both T3 and T3 like Nature-thyroid or Armour into your treatment protocol.

-Boost Your Metabolism

Your metabolic set point is kind of like your body’s happy place as it relates to weight.
Most people can maintain their weight, and while they may fluctuate by a few pounds, they find that their body will return to a set point with little effort.
If you have hypothyroidism, chances are you also have a chronically slow metabolism.    This can happen over time as the disease progresses, and will impact your metabolic set point.
For example, a healthy woman who weighs 170 pounds and is 5’6” tall may be able to maintain your weight at 2500 calories daily.  However, the same woman with hypothyroidism may have a significantly slower metabolism which means she will need to take in fewer calories to maintain her weight.
To counteract these effects, make to boost your metabolism.
One great way to rev up your body’s ability to burn calories is to add in 
the three types of activity that are metabolism boosters are strength training, interval training, or steady state cardio.
Check out this at-home workout that takes just 36 minutes and doesn’t require any equipment for some inspiration.
Let’s talk about how to lose weight with hypothyroidism because thyroid issues aren’t at all uncommon.  It’s a problem that we have helped MANY of our clients overcome when it comes to dieting and weight loss.
n fact, women, especially those over the age of 60 are likely to have problems with the gland that can lead to weight gain, joint pain, and heart disease.


a condition where your thyroid is underactive and not producing enough of the important hormones your body needs, cannot only contribute to obesity but can also make it tricky to lose weight.
While it might be difficult, shedding a few pounds can help improve the symptoms of the disease, and the lifestyle changes can make contributions to increase your thyroid function without medication.
There are lots of ways to lose weight.  Here we’ll give you tips from scientific experts based on research, studies, and decades of experience to help you drop pounds with hypothyroidism.


12 Ways To Lose 20 Pounds In 14 Days

If you want to lose weight as quickly as possible. Then, you just need to adjust your eating habits and sacrifice some things in the short term, for the results you want. This article will not push you to do a certain diet rather it will just help you pick the exercise and eating strategies that can suit your lifestyle. 12 Ways To Lose 20 Pounds In 14 Days

1. Sleep More At Night

When you increase your sleeping time for at least 30 minutes, you will notice that you will less likely to reach for that chocolate drink. Because your body is refreshed, you will not feel the need to get a boost of energy to go to the gym

2. Drink Mostly Water

If you opt to drink fruit smoothie, light beer or energy drink, additional calories will enter your body and eventually you have to work out to eliminate it.

3. Stand Up Straight

Align your spine and shoulders while you suck your belly towards the spine to give you a slimmer appearance.

4. Avoid Consuming Pasta and White Bread

If you cut out white grain items such as spaghetti, sandwich rolls, and white rice, you will instantly see the weight loss effect because these foods can cause bloating.

5. Consume Coffee Before Exercising

Aside from water, coffee before reaching for that dumbbell can make you more productive in your workout. You will burn more without even thinking that you are pushing harder. You can opt for coffee with skim milk or just black for fewer calories.

6. Do 36 Lunges and Push-ups Every Other Day

If you want to have a streamlined appearance, get on your hands and feet and do lunges and pushups. Do 3×12 of the exercises. Lunges targets thighs, hips and butt and while push-ups take care of the upper body.

7. Do Cardiovascular Workouts for At 30 Minutes Daily

If you want to burn a lot of calories, do cardio. Make sure that you engage numerous muscles so that your whole body is incorporated into the workout. You can opt to do boot camp workouts, cardio kickboxing, and spinning. Each exercise burns up to 300 calories while toning your core, legs, and arms.

8. Have Sex Nightly With You On Top

If you are on top every night when you have sex with your partner, chances are your torch a lot of calories and make you in control of the body movement. Whatever position you choose, you will end up burning fat in the process.

9. Sacrifice One Food

When you cut out one bad food habit and take it away forever, you will see hundreds of calories will be subtracted on a weekly basis.

10. Lunch Means Salmon Time

Eat nutritious salmon that is perfect for building muscle tone and giving you a healthy glow.

11. Do The 13 Day Diet

Many women make things complicated which is why it is hard for them to lose weight. If you think those steps above are hard to follow, a 13-day meal plan has guidelines you can follow.

12. Sit-ups and Squats

If you want to add definition to your muscle, do sit-ups and squats. Do at least 3 x 12 of the exercises to tighten the legs, butt, and abs temporarily. 12 Ways To Lose 20 Pounds In 14 Days
